Long time no hear :)


Some things flow at very low rate. Some might even seem as solid. But it’s all only a time perspective. Wait long enough and the mountains will be moving :). Don’t wait so long for the next post on this blog, though. It’s rather abandoned. Twitter is short and not effective, Linkedin is not the place to express thoughts. so maybe, just maybe, I’ll find time to update the blog again. Even if it’s not my favorite way of Jekyll + Github pages as http://alex-lab.github.io or http://www.openptv.net

What keeps me busy these days?

Long time I’ve not written a word here. It’s mainly cause other media streams are capturing all the news in my professional life and the clicks of interesting sites. Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, etc.

I’m not sure why, but it seems that WP lost in this battle. I probably need a quick: add to the blog button somewhere in the toolbar.

Otherwise, trying to manage the research/teaching/administrative duties with the family time. And of course to push forward both OpenPIV and OpenPTV

So, one interesting image meanwhile:

Leaving work late
Leaving work late

Which one of the academic “facebooks” will actually make it through?

It became difficult to stay an anonymous scientist these days – with or without our permission, every single thing you do is linked, related and compared to some index, some group of similar interests, etc. The initiatives such as http://www.researchgate.net and http://www.academia.edu are making our life simpler in some sense, but at the same time very difficult: you need to be really determined to avoid it.

What bothers me most these days

What bothers me most these days


Long time not see, I guess that’s what you think when look at my blog from time to time. Indeed, I almost completely switched to Google+ (general interests), Facebook (family, friends), Twitter and LinkedIn for professional updates, etc. Why? Maybe because I was never really the blogger – I am too lazy to write, I am keeping the blog mostly for publicity related to my work: fluid mechanics, turbulence, research, teaching and open source software that I believe we need to promote: http://www.openptv.net is the new consortium that must come true and the older, established http://www.openpiv.net that has ups and downs since 1998.